Web Page Design Inspired by Edward Tufte

The following set of questions and answers about Web design forms the basis of an article in the French magazine "Influx" where I was interviewed about the influence of Edward Tufte's design principles as they apply to pages on the World Wide Web.


Question: What are the issues from Edward Tufte's works that are relevant for a Web site?
Question: What are your recommended web sites in terms of content, graphic relevance, aesthetics and effectiveness, and why?
Question: How can a site be effective, interesting, and attractive for the Net surfer as well as for the in-depth user?
Question: Should a site be beautiful, to be effective ?
Question: What affects do screen size and resolution have on graphics on the Web, and how do you develop effective graphics under these constraints?
Question: What new potentials are offered to design by web technology ?
Question: What are the most common errors found in Web design?

(Q) What are the issues from Edward Tufte's works that are relevant for a Web site?

The issues I find most relevant are: Back to Index

(Q) What are your recommended web sites in terms of content, graphic relevance, aesthetics and effectiveness, and why?

Among the sites I like best are: Back to Index

(Q) How can a site be effective, interesting, and attractive for the Net surfer as well as for the in-depth user?

A good Web site incorporates the following: Back to Index

(Q) Should a site be beautiful, to be effective ?

To some extent beauty is in the eye of the beholder in that a user trained to interpret certain patterns may see beauty in a site that makes sense to them, but appears ugly and disorganized to someone without their background (often we see what we expect rather than what is there, rather like a Frog that is largely blind to anything that is not small, dark, and moving jerkily -- a fly).

However, for sites that do not require specialized knowledge, I believe aesthetics can be achieved through a clear design which emphasizes usability, especially if aesthetic additions are only added when they are consciously justified in terms of their utility

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What affects do screen size and resolution have on graphics on the Web, and how do you develop effective graphics under these constraints?

This is a large and important topic and is perhaps the reason for the major differences between design on the Web versus paper: Back to Index

(Q) What new potentials are offered to design by web technology ?

The Web can provide a richer information environment than is possible with static pages on paper, such as: Back to Index

(Q) What are the most common errors found in Web design?

Among the more annoying design defects I frequently see are: Back to Index

© Copyright 2000 University of Washington Computing & Communications.

Larry Gales