Curriculum Vitae




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         B.A., magna cum laude, Columbia College, N.Y., 1971.

         Research student in history on Kellet Fellowship, St. JohnÕs College of Cambridge Univ. (England), 1971-73.

         Ph.D., History, Harvard Univ., 1978.



         Mark and Barbara Fried Professor of History & New Media; College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of History; Director of Center for History and New Media, George Mason Univ., 1981 to present (Asst. Prof., 1981-85; Assoc. Prof., 1985-92; Prof. 1992-98).

         Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellow, Center for the Humanities, Wesleyan Univ., 1980 to 1981.

         Assistant Professor of History and Humanities, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1978 to 1980.



         James Harvey Robinson Prize of American Historical Association for Òoutstanding contribution to the teaching and learning of historyÓ for History Matters, Jan. 2005.

Virginia Foundation for the Humanities Award for Excellence in the Humanities, December 2004.

Forrest G. Pogue Award for Excellence in Oral History, March 2004.

         Richard W. Lyman Award (presented by the National Humanities Center and the Rockefeller Foundation) for Òoutstanding achievement in the use of information technology to advance scholarship and teaching in the humanities,Ó 2003. 

         Vice-President, Research Div., American Historical Association, 2003-5.

         State of Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award, 1999.

         ÒEdsitementÓ selection by NEH for ÒHistory MattersÓ Web site.

         Historic Preservation Book Prize for Best Book of 1998 from Center for Historic Preservation, Mary Washington College and Award of Merit from American Association for State and Local History for The Presence of the Past.

         James Harvey Robinson Prize of American Historical Association for Òoutstanding contribution to the teaching and learning of historyÓ and finalist, Interactive Media Festival Award for Who Built America? CD-ROM.

         Urban History Association Prize for Best Book in North American Urban History; Abel Wolman Prize for Best Book in Public Works History; Abbott Cumming Lowell Prize for Best Book of 1992 from Vernacular Architecture Forum; Historic Preservation Book Prize for Best Book of 1992 from Center for Historic Preservation; New York Historical Association Award for Best Manuscript on New York History, 1991 (for The Park and the People.)

         Fulbright Commission, Senior Scholar, Australia, June-July, 1990.

         John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, 1989-90.

         Forrest G. Pogue Award for Excellence in Oral History, November, 1987.

         Albert J. Beveridge Research Grant from the AHA, 1987.

         NEH Research Grant for ÒCentral Park: A Social History,Ó 1986 to 1988.

         Distinguished Faculty Award, GMU, 1986.

         American Association for State and Local History Research Grant, 1985.

         NEH Fellowship for College Teachers, 1984 to 1985.

         Research Grant from NEH for Oral History of Government-Sponsored Arts Projects, 1983 to 1985.

         Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Center for the Humanities, Wesleyan Univ., 1980 to 1981.




         Books, CD-ROMs, Films

         Digital History: A Guide to Presenting, Preserving, or Gathering the Past on the Web (U. of Penn.  Press, 2005), co-author with D. Cohen.

History Matters: A Student Guide to U.S. History Online (Bedford, 2004), co-author and editor with Alan Gevinson and Kelly Schrum.

         A Companion to Post-1945 America (Oxford: Blackwell, 2002), co-editor with J-C Agnew.

         The Presence of the Past: Popular Uses of History in American Life (New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1998), co-author with D. Thelen.

         Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Exploring the French Revolution (Penn State University Press, 2001), co-producer of interactive CD-ROM and of website (

         Who Built America?  Working People & the NationÕs Economy, Politics, Culture & Society (New York: Worth Publishers, 2000), co-author of Volume two of this two-volume text and supervising editor of both volumes.

         Who Built America? From the Great War of 1914 to the Dawn of the Atomic Age in 1946, a multi-media CD-ROM (New York: Worth Publishers, 2000), lead author and executive producer.

         Who Built America? From the Centennial of 1876 to the Great War of 1914, a multi-media CD-ROM (New York: Voyager, 1993), co-author with S. Brier and J. Brown (vis. ed.)

         The Park and the People: A History of Central Park (Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1992), co-author with E. Blackmar.

         History Museums in the United States: A Critical Assessment (Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1989), co-edited with W. Leon.

         Presenting the Past: Essays on History and the Public (Philadelphia: Temple Univ. Press, 1986), co-edited with S.P. Benson and S. Brier.

         Eight Hours for What We Will: Workers and Leisure in an Industrial City, 1870-1920 (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1983).  

         Government and the Arts in Thirties America: A Guide to Oral Histories and Other Research Materials (Fairfax: George Mason Univ. Press, 1986), chief editor.

         Water and the Dream of the Engineers (Boston: Cine Research Associates, 1983), co-writer and researcher for this eighty-minute historical documentary film, which was produced by R. Broadman and J. Grady.

         Mission Hill and the Miracle of Boston (Boston: Cine Research Associates, 1979), co-producer of this sixty-minute historical documentary film with R. Broadman, J. Grady, and J. Pennington.

         Experiments in History Teaching (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard-Danforth Center, 1977), co-edited with S. Botein, W. Leon, M. Novak, and G.B. Warden.




"No Computer Left Behind," Chronicle of Higher Education, February 24, 2006, co-author with D. Cohen.

         ÒWeb of lies? Historical knowledge on the Internet,Ó First Monday, 10 (December 2005), co-author with D. Cohen.

"Digital Archives Are a Gift of Wisdom to Be Used Wisely," Chronicle of Higher Education, June 24, 2005.

 ÒScarcity or Abundance: Preserving the Past in a Digital Era,Ó American Historical Review (June 2003).

 ÒThe Road to Xanadu: Public And Private Pathways on The History Web,Ó Journal of American History (September 2001).

ÒRewiring the History and Social Studies Classroom: Needs, Frameworks, Dangers, and Proposals,Ó (co-author with Randy Bass), in Journal of Education (2000) and Computing in the Social Sciences and Humanities, ed. by Vernon Burton.

ÒThe Riches of Hypertext for Scholarly Journals,Ó Chronicle of Higher Education, March 17, 2000.

         ÒCrashing the System: Hypertext and American Studies Scholarship,Ó American Quarterly  (June 1999), author of introductory essay and guest editor of special section in journal and Web site:

         ÒLive Free or Die? Death, Life, Survival, and Sobriety on the Information Superhighway,Ó American Quarterly 51(March 1999): 160-74.

         ÒWizards, Bureaucrats, Warriors, and Hackers: Writing the History of the Internet,Ó American Historical Review 103 (December 1998): 1530-52.

         ÒAmerican Memories: What a National Survey Tells Us About How Americans Use the Past,Ó The Long View 4 (Spring 1998):87-100. 

         ÒBrave New World or Blind Alley? American History on the World Wide Web,Ó Journal of American History (June 1997), 132-155, co-author with M. OÕMalley.

         ÒHistorians and the Web: A Guide,Ó AHA Perspectives (Jan. 1996), 11-16, co-author with M. OÕMalley and A. McMichael.

         ÒThe Best of Times, The Worst of Times,Ó Journal of Social History 29 (1995), 99-108.

         ÒNew Media, Old PoliticsÓ History Microcomputer Review (Fall 1995), 53-58, co-author with S. Brier and J. Brown.

         ÒSo, WhatÕs Next for Clio?Ó CD-ROM and Historians,Ó Journal of American History (March 1995), 1621-1640.

         ÒHistorians and Hypertext: Is it More Than Hype?Ó AHA Perspectives (March 1994), 3-6, co-author with S. Brier. [Another version published in Lawrence Dowler, ed., Gateways to Knowledge (MIT Press, 1997).]

         ÒWhy Read a History Book on a Computer? Putting Who Built America? on CD-ROM,Ó History Microcomputer Review, 9 (Fall 1993), 9-14, co-author with S. Brier.

         ÒDigitizing the Past: A History Book on CD-ROM,Ó Information Services and Use, 13 (1993), 35-40.

         ÒGovernment and the Arts: Voices from the New Deal Era,Ó Journal of American History (Sept. 1990), 596-608, co-author with B. Melosh.

         ÒRadical History Review und linke amerikanische Historiker,Ó Gesichtswerkstatt (Aug. 1989), 15-24.

         ÒAmerican Labor History: A Conspiracy of Silence?Ó Monthly Labor Review, 110 (Aug. 1987), 51-53.

         ÒThe Battle of the Parks,Ó Seaport: New YorkÕs History Magazine, 21 (Summer 1987), 36-43, co-author with E. Blackmar.

         ÒFrom Rum Shop to Rialto: Workers and Movies,Ó in The Private Side of American History, ed. by Thomas B. Frazier (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1987), 107-136.

         ÒMarketing the Past: American Heritage and Popular History in the United States, 1954-1984,Ó in Presenting the Past (Philadelphia: 1986). A condensed version of this essay is in Radical History Review, 32 (1985), 7-29. A translated version appears in movimento operaio e socialista, 9 (May-Sept. 1986), 213-34.

         ÒÔPeopleÕs HistoryÕ in den Vereinigten Staaten,Ó in Geschicte entdecken [History Discovered], ed. by Hans Heer and Volker Ullrich (Rowohlt, 1985), 46-57.   

         ÒUna Cultura Alternativa: Il Saloon Della Classe Operaia in America Alla Fine Del XIX SecoloÓ Movimento operaio e socialista 7 (April 1985), 127-142.        

         ÒAutomating Your Oral History Program: A Guide to Data Base Management on a Microcomputer,Ó International Journal of Oral History, 5 (Nov. 1984).       

         ÒUnited Action Means Victory: Militant Americanism on Film,Ó Labor History, 24 (Spring 1983), 274-288.

         ÒWorking-Class Struggles in the Great Depression: The Film Record,Ó Film Library Quarterly, 13, no. 1 (1980), 5-14.

         ÒMiddle-Class Parks and Working-Class Play: The Struggle over Recreational Space in Worcester, Massachusetts, 1870-1910,Ó Radical History Review, no. 21 (Fall 1979), 31-46. Other versions of this essay appear in The New England Working Class, ed. by H. Gutman and D. Bell (Univ. of Illinois Press, 1987) and Life and Labor: Dimensions of American Working-Class History, ed. by R. Asher and C. Stephenson (State Univ. of New York Press, 1986).

         ÒÔSocialism in Our TimeÕ: The Socialist Party and the Unemployed, 1929-1935,Ó Labor History, 20 (Fall 1979), 485-509.

         ÒThe Lower Middle Class in a Divided Society: Boston Masons, 1900-1935,Ó Journal of Voluntary Action Research, 6 (July-Oct. 1977), 119-26.

         ÒOrganizing the Unemployed: The Early Years of the Great Depression, 1929-1933,Ó Radical America, 10 (July-Aug. 1976), 37-60. Reprinted in WorkersÕ Struggles, Past and Present, ed. by J. Green (Temple Univ. Press, 1983), 168-89.

         ÒRadicals and the Jobless: The Musteites and the Unemployed Leagues, 1929-1936,Ó Labor History, 16 (Winter 1975), 52-77.





         Co-Editor, ÒCritical Perspectives on the Past,Ó a book series at Temple Univ. Press, 1985 to present (more than 30 volumes published).

         Editorial Advisory Board, American Quarterly, 2000 to 2003.

Managing Editorial Board, American Quarterly, 1987 to 1990.

         Co-Editor, ÒTeaching and TextsÓ section of Journal of American History, 1990-95.

         Advisory Board, America: History and Life, 1996 to present.

         Editor, ÒNewsnotes,Ó Labor History, 1979 to 1987.

         Co-Editor, Federal One, a newsletter on 1930s America, 1981 to 1990.

         Editorial Board, Radical History Review, 1977 to 2000.

         Editorial Board, American Communist History, 2002 to present.

         Editorial Board, George Mason Univ. Press, 1985 to 1990.


         Public History and New Media

         Member, ACLS Commission on Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities & Social Sciences, 2004-2005.

         Steering Committee, Coalition for Networked Information, 2004-2006.

Selection Committee, Richard W. Lyman Award for Humanities and Technology, 2004-6.

         Co-organizer and Executive Producer of September 11th Digital Archive (, funded by the Sloan Foundation.

         Executive Producer, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, funded by Sloan Foundation.

         Executive Producer, Women in World History, funded by NEH.

         Co-organizer and Executive Producer of World History Matters—website for teachers of World History (

         Co-organizer and Executive Producer of History Matters— website ( on teaching U.S. History survey on Web, funded by Kellogg Foundation.

         Executive producer and project director of ECHO: Exploring and Collecting History Online—Science, Technology, and Industry website,

         Co-executive producer, The Lost Museum: Exploring Antebellum Life and Culture (

Co-organizer and leader, ÒNew Media ClassroomÓ seminar for high school and college teachers, Summers 1996, 1997.

Web Review Editor, Journal of American History, 2000 to present.

         Editorial Board, History Computer Review, 1996 to 2003.

         Editorial Board, Journal of Multimedia History, 1997 to 2003.

Guest Editor, Special Section on Hypertext and American Studies, American Quarterly, 1998-99.

Contributing Editor, CD-ROMs, Journal of American History, 1996 to 2000.

         Advisory Board, Crossroads: American Studies On-Line Project, 1995 to 2002.

         Co-founder and Member of Steering Committee, Committee on Historymaking in America

         Member, Interdisciplinary Taskforce, Common Agenda for Museums project, sponsored by AASLH, NEH, and the Smithsonian Institution.

         Consultant for the following documentary films and radio series: History of the Deaf Community; Savage Acts, Up South, Heaven Protect the Working Girl, The Grand Starvation Army ; Paul Cadmus: Enfant Terrible at 80; Down the Project; ÒSteinway Piano Workers Film; Radio Series on Fiorello H. LaGuardia

         Consultant for the following museums and exhibits: New Introductory Exhibit and ÒOn TimeÓ at National Museum of American History; ÒBefore Central Park: The Life and Death of Seneca VillageÓ at NYHS; ÒHistory Through Deaf Eyes;Ó National Museum of American Art (Ashcan School); National Museum of American Jewish History, Chinatown History Museum, Worcester Historical Museum, National Museum of American History (Smithsonian Institution), Long Island Historical Society, American Museum of the Moving Image, Rhode Island Historical Society, Uncle SamÕs Company Town.

         Consultant, Community History Projects: Queens (New York) Community History Project, LaGuardia Community College, 1980 to 1983; Waterbury (Connecticut) History Project, 1983 to 1986; FreedmanÕs Legacy Project, Arlington, Virginia, 1984 to 1985.

         Board of Directors, American Social History Productions, 1984 to present.

         Board of Directors, Cine Research Associates, 1978 to 1990.

         Organizer and Coordinator, Northern Virginia Oral History Project, 1982-95.

         Co-Director, Oral History of New Deal Arts Projects, funded by NEH, 1983-86

         Academic Advisory Board, Teacher Training Institute, sponsored by Old Sturbridge Village and NEH, 1984 to 1987.


         Other Professional Activity

         Organization of American Historians  (Executive Board; Ad-hoc Committee on the Annual Meeting; Nominating Committee; Program Committee; Program Committee Co-Chair; Chair, Technology Committee); American Studies Association (National Council, Nominating Committee, Chair, Rourke Prize Committee, Electronic Projects Committee). American Historical Association  (Vice-President for Research; Membership Committee); Oral History Assoc. (Membership Committee, Technology Committee); OHMAR (Executive Board; Program Committee Co-chair); National Capital Labor History Society (Academic Advisory Board)

         Steering Committee, National History Center

National Advisory Board for the Society for History Education

         NEH: Panelist, Archives and Libraries, Museum, Media, Special Projects, and Travel to Collections programs; Reviewer: interpretive research, libraries, media, museum, and research materials programs.

         Library of Congress: Panelist, Ameritech Grants Program.

         National Science Foundation: Panelist, Science and Technology Studies, Information Technology Research.

          Tenure and Promotion Review for numerous universities, including Columbia, Stanford, Yale, Univ. of Texas, Univ. of Michigan, New York Univ., Univ. of Mass., Univ. of Delaware, Catholic Univ., Colgate, American Univ., Univ. of Maryland, Cornell Univ., Borough of Manhattan Community College (CUNY), Hunter College (CUNY), Graduate Center  (CUNY), John Jay (CUNY), City College (CUNY) Tulane Univ., Univ. of Chicago, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Brown Univ., SUNY at Old Westbury; Univ., of Sydney, Johns Hopkins Univ., Indiana Univ., Univ. of Rochester, Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Rutgers Univ., Swarthmore College, Univ. of California, San Diego, Amherst College, Harvard Univ., Trinity College, Univ. of Hartford, Ohio State, George Washington Univ., Univ. of Southern California, Univ. of Miami, University of Canterbury, University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Catholic University, University of Virginia.