About the Authors
Maritere Lopez is Assistant Professor of History at California State University, Fresno. She is an expert in Renaissance and Reformation studies, as well as in the history of the Early Modern time period more generally. She is a fellow of the National Endowment for the Humanities’ “A Literature of their Own” institute, which investigates the literary production of women in Early Modern Europe. She extends her teaching to high-school students by serving both as a guest lecturer at conferences and as a mentor for K-12 educators, particularly as Faculty Advisor for the San Joaquin Valley History-Social Science Project.

Charles Lipp is a Western civilization postdoctoral fellow with the Department of History and Art History at George Mason University. His written works include Power and Politics in Early Modern Lorraine: Jean François de Mahuet and the Grand Prévôté de Saint-Dié.

About the Lesson Plan Author
J. Nathan Campbell teaches upper-school history to tenth and eleventh grade students at the Episcopal School of Dallas in Texas. For two years, Nathan has taught AP World History, AP United States History, and American Government. Before coming to ESD, Nathan worked in the museum field as a curator in the historic house business after earning an MA in History from the University of Kentucky and an MA from the Cooper-Hewitt American Decorative Arts Program in Washington, D.C. His love of public history, material culture, and museums has led him to develop a new course at ESD called the History of Stuff. This course asks students to work with a variety of objects (that include architecture, consumer culture, decorative arts, and a whole lot of other stuff), in order to teach students how they affect the past, present, and future.