Text Encoding Initiative

Projects using the TEI

Applications by Subject

  1. 19th Century American fiction
  2. American fiction
  3. Archival and Museum Information
  4. Classical and Medieval Literature
  5. Classical and Medieval Literature and Language
  6. Dictionaries and Lexicographies
  7. Electronic Publishing
  8. Electronic Scholarly Editing
  9. English Language Composition and Teaching
  10. Epigraphic Documents
  11. Historical Materials
  12. Historical Materials
  13. Language Corpora
  14. Legal Texts
  15. Linguistics
  16. Literary Texts
  17. Manuscript studies
  18. Medieval slavic texts
  19. Miscellaneous
  20. Morphosyntax
  21. Music Historical Texts
  22. Philosophy
  23. Politics and Journalism
  24. Religious Texts
  25. Theology Journals
  26. Welsh Medieval Poetry

Previous: Projects using the TEI

(23 April 2002).
Copyright TEI Consortium 2002