2008-09 Middle School Schedule
Orientation, 3:30 – 6:00 p.m.
- Discuss project requirements, website, and web modules. Teachers will receive project books and complete evaluation materials
July 14-25: Summer Institute, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Full-Year and Summer-Only Cohorts will participate in all activities
- Springbrook High School Rooms E117, F101, and Lab E115
- July 14:
- “What is History?” with George Mason University Professor T. Mills Kelly (All Teachers)
- “Introduction,” with Georgetown University Professor Adam Rothman
- July 15:
- “Historical Thinking Skills,” with GMU Professor T. Mills Kelly (All Teachers)
- “Race in America,” with GMU Professor Wendi Manuel-Scott
- July 16:
- Mount Vernon Site Visit
- “Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution,” with Adam Rothman
Post your reflection on the forum based on the following question:
What’s wrong with kings? - July 17:
- “Crafting the Constitution” with Adam Rothman
- “Locating and Analyzing Online Primary Sources,” with GMU Professor Sharon Leon (All Teachers)
- July 18:
- “From Federalism to Democracy,” with Adam Rothman
- “The Rise of American Nationalism,” with Adam Rothman
- July 20:
- Post your reflection based on the following question:
Why is it important for middle-school students to study U.S. history, and what aspects of U.S. history are most important for them to learn?
- Post your reflection based on the following question:
- July 21:
- D.C. National Archives and Records Administration Site Visit (All Teachers)
- “Slavery,” with Adam Rothman
Post your reflection on the forum based on the following question:
What did Rip Van Winkle miss while he was asleep? - July 22:
- “Antebellum Reform,” with Johns Hopkins University Professor Ron Walters
- “The Jacksonian Era: Nullification, the Bank War, and Indian Removal,” with Adam Rothman
- July 23:
- Teacher Research
- “Things Fall Apart,” with Adam Rothman
- July 24:
- “Crisis of the Union,” with Georgetown University Professor Chandra Manning
- “The Civil War,” with GMU Professor Christopher Hamner
- July 25:
- “The Overthrow of Slavery,” with Adam Rothman
- “Reconstructing the Nation,” with Adam Rothman
- July 27
- Post your reflection based on the following question:
What did the Civil War accomplish?
- Post your reflection based on the following question:
- July 29
- Lesson Plan Topic Due
August 8: Lesson Plan Workshops, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- Lesson Plan Workshops; meet individually with Linda Spoales, Adam Rothman, and Kelly Schrum to discuss Final Projects
- Primary Source and brief description of each activity for Primary Source Activities due
- Loiederman Middle School Computer Lab 139
September/October: Primary Source Activities will be taught and observed
September 10: Make-Up Lesson Plan Workshop, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
- Attend if you missed the August 8 workshop
- Springbrook High School Lab E115
If not done in September, teach and write about primary source activities
October 3: Post reflection for Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America’s Independence and respond to other’s posts
October 7: Book Discussion, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
- Revolutionary Mothers by Carol Berkin
- Carver Education Services Center Room 143
October 20: Lesson Plan Outline and Primary Sources for Final Project Due
November 3: Primary Source Activity Case Study Due
November 19: Lesson Plan Drafts Due
Project Coordinator and Lead Historian will provide feedback on Lesson Plan drafts
Continue working on Lesson Plans
March 13: Post reflection for Families and Freedom: A Documentary History of African-American Kinship in the Civil War Era and respond to other’s posts
March 14: National Portrait Gallery Site Visit, 8:45 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.
March 18: Book Discussion, 4:00-6:00
- Families and Freedom, edited by Ira Berlin and Leslie Rowland
- Carver Education Services Center Room 120 (The Board Conference Room)
April 3: Final Draft of Lesson Plan Due
April 15: Annual Keynote Lecture, “Revolutionary Backlash: Women and Politics in the Early American Republic,” 4:00-6:00 p.m.
- With George Mason University Professor Rosemarie Zagarri
- Open to ALL MCPS Teachers
- Center for Technology Innovation (CTI) Classroom 2
Post reflection on Keynote and respond to other’s posts
April 29: Closing Reception and Presentation of Lesson Plans, 3:00-6:00 p.m.
- Center for Technology Innovation (CTI) Classroom 1 and Lab 3