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Website reviews describe online primary–source archives, evaluate resources, and provide classroom suggestions. Browse by region or time period.

The framing essay, written by Deborah Vess, introduces issues in using online sources, such as reliability, quality, and translation.

Go Button Africa

Go Button Cultural Contact

Go Button East Asia

Go Button Europe

Go Button Latin America

Go Button Middle East & North Africa

Go Button Pacific Basin

Go Button South Asia

Go Button The Beginnings of Human Society

Go Button Early Civilization & Pastoral Peoples, 4000-1000 BCE

Go Button Classical Traditions, Religions & Empires, 1000 BCE-300 CE

Go Button Expanding Zones of Exchange & Encounter, 300-1000 CE

Go Button Intensified Hemispheric Interactions, 1500 CE

Go Button Emergence of the First Global Age, 1450-1770

Go Button An Age of Revolutions, 1750-1914

Go Button A Half-Century of Crisis & Achievement, 1900-1945

Go Button The World Since 1945: Promises & Paradoxes

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A project of the Center for History and New Media, George Mason University,
with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation
© 2003-2005 center for history & new media