Browsing Items (10 total)

Image: Leslie Shedden's photograph of Dosco's underground mining operations in Cape Breton, No. 18 Colliery, 1953. This view is of the Dosco Miner in action, with the cutting job gouging into the coal face on the downward cycle.

Image: Fireboss, John Haughton, checking for gas at face of coal, 6th level, No. 8 colliery

Image: Miner's clothing hanging in wash shanty, No.8 colliery

Image: Miners eating lunch, sixth level, No.8 colliery

Image: Motorman, No.6 colliery-John "Snuffy" Maruschak

Image: Miner leveling coal off in mine car, No.8 colliery

Image: Loading coal, No.6 colliery

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Image: No.6 colliery-miner waiting for cage to take him down

Image: Fireboss, John Haughton, checking for gas at face of coal, 6th level, No.8 colliery

Image: Mantrip, No.6 colliery