Everyday Americans, Exceptional Americans is pleased to announce the program options and dates for the second cohort, which will begin meeting this summer. Those accepted to the cohort will attend the program orientation scheduled for May 24, 2012.
The new theme this year is “American on the World Stage”. Past TAH-teachers are welcome!
Summer Institute Week-1:
Interested in learning more about the American Revolutionary era? The content in the upcoming cohort will focus on the crisis with Britain, the American Revolution, and transnational slavery through the early Republic. All U.S. history teachers, including ELL and special education, are welcome. Apply online and reserve June 25th – 29th on your calendars for this year’s summer institute!
Summer Institute Week-2:
Explore the late 20th century from multiple perspectives. The documents presented during this week will center the discussion around the Cold War, including McCarthyism, the Vietnam War, and the beginning of the war on terror. All U.S. history teachers, as well as ELL and special education teachers are welcome. Apply online and reserve July 9th – 13th for this year’s summer institute!
Interested in learning more? Visit our application page to read about the benefits of the program and learn about course requirements.