This year I am a second year fellow and am spending the year in the Research Division working on PressForward. In addition to working on PressForward, I’ve continued to be involved in the Support Space, Digital Campus, and mentoring the new fellows. Over the course of this semester the PressForward team has been busy wrapping up the first PressForward grant and, in October, we began PressForward 2 which was funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. As one of the GRAs on this project I’ve worked on multiple things over the course of the semester including redesigning the PressForward website, continuing to manage DHNow, and was involved in putting together the most recent issue of the Journal of Digital Humanities. In the midst of all of this, we’ve been refining and further developing the next version of the PressForward plugin. I’ve been testing the plugin and have even started contributing code to the most recent version.
This summer I was given the opportunity to work on PressForward and this enabled me to get a head start on my assignment for this year. It was incredibly useful to be around for the launch of the plugin and to be able to use the summer to really familiarize myself with the plugin, Digital Humanities Now and other aspects of the division. In our brief rotation through Research last Spring we didn’t get to spend a lot of time looking at the nitty gritty details of how DH Now or PressForward work. Over the summer I was able to take some time to familiarize myself with the organization of the plugin and the daily administrative work for DHNow. It turned out to be such a useful summer because I returned in the Fall ready for the fast paced wrap up of PressForward 1 and the beginning of our implementation phase.
Among the projects I undertook in Research this semester, redesigning the PressForward website took a large amount of my time. PressForward 2 is an implementation grant and over the next 14 months we will be working with several partners to develop publications using the plugin. In this new capacity, I was asked to help redesign the website and transition from a blog about a research project on scholarly communication to a website focused on our plugin and its features. I spent quite a bit of time looking at both the Omeka and Zotero websites and thinking about what made a good digital humanities tool website. How do you effectively communicated the major features of the tool and its application for both humanities projects and more general use? The PressForward plugin is available on the WordPress directory and has a wide range of applications outside of just academic publishing. The website needed to reflect both applications and focus on what makes PressForward different from a standard RSS reader. Furthermore, it needed to have support forums as we begin to develop a community of users. Both Omeka and Zotero have very broad and dedicated communities that contribute to these open source projects. PressForward 2 will be, in part, about cultivating a similar community for our tool and that begins with support and education about the plugin and its uses.
Looking at other examples, I designed a site that very much mirrored the organization of both the Omeka and Zotero sites. On the homepage the dominant area is filled with tabs that each focus on a key feature of PressForward: the overall point of the plugin, features for collecting, features for discussing, and features for sharing content. In each tab a large download button takes the user to the PressForward GitHub repository. Below the features are links to each pilot partner’s web page and a link to our blog. This was a very useful project because it led me to not only think about the way digital humanities tools communicate their goals but also I learned quite a bit of php while I hacked around in the theme. It worked out that I happened to be taking Lincoln Mullen’s Programming for Historians class at the same time and the skills I had learned in that class complimented this project, and working a bit with php, well. As we move forward I’ll be doing some more theme development for PressForward 2 and will also be contributing, what I can, to UI/UX issues on new versions of the plugin.
In addition to all my work on the PressForward project, I have also been participating in running the Digital History Support Space which is always a rewarding experience. Over the course of the semester we’ve helped numerous people from all of the Clio I courses and we expect to have more frequent visitors next semester during Clio II.
In November, the center had its twentieth anniversary conference and opened up the API for the archive that we began building last Spring (and Jannelle Legg spent all summer refining and adding content). On Friday, the first day of the conference, a few of us decided to use the API to make a network graph of all the people and projects at the center. We coded like mad for the whole day, and—with a lot of help from Lincoln Mullen—we ended the day with three network visualizations. I think this was an interesting way to wrap up our work from last year on the archive and was a practical use of the skills Jannelle Legg and I had been learning in Lincoln Mullen’s Programming for Historians seminar. The visualization reflects some of the decisions we made when creating the archive last summer and the some of the limitations of the archive. All of the nodes and edges on the graph represent the information provided on the coversheets of grants. As a result, staff that were hired after the grant was awarded are not reflected on the graph and grants that were iterative aren’t necessarily connected. I think the project was a great example of the choices that have to made when creating a digital archive and was a fun way to wrap up the project we began last Spring. The visualization is available here. (The visualization was a collaborative effort by: Ken Albers, Peter Carr Jones, Lincoln Mullen, Patrick Murray-John, Allison O’Connor, and Faolan Cheslack-Postava).
We also have a new cohort of Fellows this year and at the beginning of the semester we paired off each second year with a first year to act as a mentor. Our role is to mentor them throughout their first year. Their first rotation this semester was through research and over the course of their first two weeks they worked on PressForward and Digital Humanities Now. I helped walk them through the goals of the project and showed them how the plugin worked. They watched me do Editor in Chief and then served as Editors At Large before taking on Editor in Chief themselves. Walking them through the projects, I was struck by how much of a better understanding of the center and the various projects I have now than when I first began at the center. Looking back on our first year, its impressive the range of material we were introduced to and the ways it complimented our coursework to provide us with a unique perspective on Digital History. I’m really looking forward to continuing to work with the new fellows and having one of them in Research next semester.